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Searching for Quotes about Gratitude and Music? Checkout This Huge List

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How We've Organized the Quotes about Gratitude And Music On this Page

To make it easier to navigate all the quotes on the page we’ve split them into sections. Each section is headed by a heading, and each quote is followed by the name of the author. If you want to go staright to a section then click the heading name in the list below.

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Power Of Music

Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.
Pablo Casals

Music is the universal language of mankind.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memories.
Oscar Wilde

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
Robert Fripp

Music is the strongest form of magic.
Marilyn Manson

Music is the soundtrack of your life.
Dick Clark

Music is the poetry of the air.
Jean Paul Richter

Music is the medicine of the mind.
John A. Logan

Music is the shorthand of emotion.
Leo Tolstoy

Music is the art of the prophets and the gift of God.
Martin Luther

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Healing Properties Of Music

Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.
Sarah Dessen

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Role Of Music In Our Lives

Music is the art which can most nimbly move the passions and induce them either to gaiety or sadness, to pleasure or to pity.
George Frideric Handel

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Connection Between Music And Emotions

Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.
Kahlil Gibran

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Impact Of Music On Mental Health

Music can change the world because it can change people.

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Importance Of Music In Culture

Music is the art which can most nimbly move the passions and induce them either to gaiety or sadness, to courage or love, to anger or pity.
Giorgio Vasari

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Universality Of Music

Music is the universal language of humanity.
Henry David Thoreau

Music is the universal language of peace.
Richard Wagner

Music is the universal language of love.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is the universal language of the soul.
Kahlil Gibran

Music is the universal language of understanding.
Elton John

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Beauty Of Music

Music is the art of thinking with sounds.
Jules Combarieu

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Role Of Music In Spirituality

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is the tool to express life - and all that makes a difference.
Herbie Hancock

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Way Music Can Express Gratitude

Music is the universal language of gratitude.
W. A. Peterson

When words fail, music speaks gratitude.
Hans Christian Andersen

Gratitude is the music of the heart, when its chords are swept by the breeze of kindness.

Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memories of gratitude.
Oscar Wilde

Gratitude is the melody that lingers in the heart when the music is over.

Music is the language of gratitude. It speaks to the heart in a way words cannot express.

Gratitude is the song of the soul, singing out in notes brought forth by the music of life.

Music is the expression of gratitude, the language of the heart, and the voice of the soul.

Gratitude is the rhythm of life, and music is the beat that keeps it moving.

Music is the sound of gratitude, the harmony of the heart, and the symphony of the soul.

Gratitude And Music Quotes About The Way Music Can Inspire Gratitude In Others

Music is the art which can most nimbly move the human heart.
W.H. Auden

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